Where paired horizontal and vertical readings have been taken during a 'manual' mode survey, the first and second readings at each station should have the same location. The nature of the device logging generally precludes this from happening by default, especially with high-frequency GPS recording. This function reconciles the locations of such paired datasets after they have been generated using em38_decode or em38_from_file.

em38_pair(decode = NULL, time_filter = NULL)



spatial point dataframe for a survey line produced by em38_decode or em38_from_file.


removes point pairs that are close together but that were sampled more than n seconds apart.


An sf data frame with sfc_POINT geometry. WGS84 projection. Output locations are averages of input horizontal/vertical paired locations.


Input survey should be of survey type 'GPS' and record type 'manual'. Both input datasets should ideally have the same number of rows, with row 1 of horizontal_data paired with row 1 of vertical_data.