This function pulls out satellites in view data from NMEA-0183 G*GSV strings and dumps it into a list.
process_gsv(string = NULL)
A string with valid NMEA-0183 G*GSV structure.
A list containing 15 data elements recorded in NMEA-0183 G*GSV data chunks. Elements are given appropriate data types. Note that depending on the number of satellites in view, up to three of these messages may exist for every GPS reading. Up to four satellites are reported on per string. Note also that SNR is receiver-dependant and should only be considered relative to other readings in the same dataset.
# first GPGSV msg from data('n38_demo')
msg_1 <- "$GPGSV,3,1,11,05,14,138,46,10,14,316,37,12,04,012,,13,24,100,*76"
gpgsv_1 <- em38:::process_gsv(string = msg_1)