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This function defines local i, j coordinates for an H3 destination cell relative to an H3 origin cell.


get_local_ij(origin = NULL, destination = NULL, simple = TRUE)



Character; 15-character cell index generated by H3. A vector of indexes can also be supplied.


Character; 15-character cell index generated by H3. A vector of indexes can also be supplied.


Logical; whether to include an unprojected sfc_POINT geometry column in the output object.


If simple = TRUE, a matrix where each row contains the local i, j coordinates for the supplied destination indexes. If not, an sf

object with origin and destination attributes, point geometry of the destination cell centers, and an undefined coordinate reference system.


  • The number of indexes supplied to origin and destination must be equal.

  • The coordinate space used by this function may have deleted regions or warping due to pentagonal distortion.

  • Coordinates are only comparable if they come from the same origin index.

  • Failure may occur if the index is too far away from the origin or if the index is on the other side of a pentagon.

  • This function is experimental, and its output is not guaranteed to be compatible across different versions of H3.


# Get local coordinates for a nearby cell
get_local_ij(origin = '86be8d12fffffff', destination = '86be8d127ffffff')
#>     i  j
#> 1 -87 36

# Get local coordinates for a donut of nearby cells
destinations <- get_ring(h3_address = '86be8d12fffffff', ring_size = 2)
local_coords <- get_local_ij(origin = rep('86be8d12fffffff', length(destinations[[1]])),
                             destination = destinations[[1]],
                             simple = FALSE)

plot(local_coords['destination'], pch = 19) # note origin is (0,0)