Downloads SLGA gridded landscape data in raster format from public WCS services.

get_lscape_data(product = NULL, aoi = NULL, write_out = FALSE, filedir)



Character, one of the options from column 'Short_Name' in slga_product_info, where Type = 'Landscape'.


Vector of WGS84 coordinates defining a rectangular area of interest. The vector may be specified directly in the order xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, or the function can derive an aoi from the boundary of an `sf` or `raster` object.


Boolean, whether to write the retrieved dataset to the working directory as a GeoTiff. Defaults to FALSE.


directory in which to write files if write_out == TRUE.


Raster dataset for a single landscape product.


  • An aoi larger than 1x1 decimal degree is retrieveable, but be aware that download file size will be large. If you want a dataset that covers more than ~3x3', it may be faster to download the full GeoTIFF from the CSIRO Data Access Portal and crop out your AOI using GDAL.

  • Output rasters are aligned to the parent dataset rather than the aoi. Further resampling may be required for some applications.


# \donttest{ # get slope data for central Brisbane aoi <- c(152.95, -27.55, 153.07, -27.45) bne_slope <- get_lscape_data(product = 'SLPPC', aoi = aoi, write_out = FALSE)
#> Assuming AOI coordinates are in EPSG:4283 and ordered correctly.
# get slope, aspect and relief class data for central Brisbane bne_SAR <- lapply(c('SLPPC', 'ASPCT', 'RELCL'), function(t) { get_lscape_data(product = t, aoi = aoi, write_out = FALSE) })
#> Assuming AOI coordinates are in EPSG:4283 and ordered correctly.
#> Assuming AOI coordinates are in EPSG:4283 and ordered correctly.
#> Assuming AOI coordinates are in EPSG:4283 and ordered correctly.
# }