Get SLGA landscape covariate data at a point location.

  product = NULL,
  poi = NULL,
  buff = 0L,
  buff_shp = c("square", "circle"),
  stat = "median"



Character, one of the options from column 'Short_Name' in slga_product_info, where Type = 'Landscape'.


WGS84 coordinates defining a point of interest. Supply an sf-style point object or a length-2 numeric vector (x, y).


Length-1 integer. Use if a summarised value around a point is desired. Defaults to 0L, which returns the exact value(s) of the pixel under the `poi`. A `buff` value of 1 will return a summary of the pixels in a one-cell range, etc.


One of 'square' or 'circle'. Use with buff > 0. Defaults to 'square', in which case all values within the buffer are summarised. A circular mask is applied to the data before summarising otherwise.


Summary method applied where buff > 0. Defaults to median. Other options include mean, modal, min, max, sd, IQR, quantile, and summary.


An data.frame with requested values.


If you have many points within a relatively small area, it will likely be more efficient to grab a raster covering the whole area and extract summary values yourself.


# \donttest{ # get the slope at a point slope_pt <- get_lscape_point('SLPPC', c(153,-27.5)) # get the average slope within ~300m of a point avg_slope <- get_lscape_point('SLPPC', c(153, -27.5), buff = 3, buff_shp = 'circle', stat = 'mean') # }